2024-2025 Executive Committee
Bro. Royle King II
1st Vice State Representative
Bro. Sean X. Rush
2nd Vice State Representative
Bro. Shamar Saint-Cyr
State Keeper of Records
and Seal
Bro. Dr. Kevin Pruitt
State Keeper of Finance
Bro. Kamau Leitner
State Counselor
Bro. Michael Bostick
State Chaplain
Bro. Tamolis Clark
State PR Director
Bro. Whitney Rawls
State Marshal
Bro. Jason Hardwick
(Region 5)
Immediate Past State Rep.
Bro. Darron Toston
Greeting Brothers and Friends,
I greet each of you in the mighty and majestic name of our Supreme Basileus, who is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Welcome to the website of the Florida Statewide Organization (FSO) | 7th District, of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated. Thank you to the Brothers of the FSO for entrusting me with the privilege of serving as the 25th leader of this beloved organization.
The Florida Statewide Organization enjoys a rich history that includes three Grand Basilei, and seven Seventh District Representatives. Our membership tolls over 1600, and encompasses (45) chapters across seven regions; from the panhandle to the southernmost tip of Florida, the FSO has been impacting lives through “Service to Mankind” for decades.
The FSO of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. stands firm and steadfast in the belief that “Friendship is Essential to the Soul;” we are a distinguished body of educated, professional men of vast industries, and we endeavor to leave indelible impressions and impacts on the communities upon which we live. From scholarships to persons of tomorrow’s future or through food drives, medical and health initiatives, or governance to our mandated programs, the FSO is a Stalwart leader of Omega throughout the State of Florida.
The 25th FSO executive administration (and council) will endeavor to enlarge our social, economic, and political impact by continuing to be a very presence within the communities that we live and serve. We will continue to engage civic leaders, and elected officials to address the injustices that disproportionately impacts minorities in communities of color. We will enhance our technology and social media presence in order to better tell our story in a positive light. And lastly, we will partner with other members of the “Divine 9” to ensure that as members of the Pan-Hellenic Council we are leveraging our capital politically and economically to drive home policies, legislation and funding that will ultimately benefit the communities that we live in.
To that end, whether you are an undergraduate Brother that is preparing to transition into a Florida graduate chapter; are a Brother within the state that has been in-active, and are seeking to be re-claimed, or you are a person of interest, we encourage you to contact us at floridaques@gmail.com; we will ensure that you are linked with the right committee chairman, and the closest chapter that services your area in order that we may link you with the opportunity (or consideration) to be a part of what the FSO has to offer. Thank you for visiting the FSO website, we look forward to partnering with you to continue Omega’s Greatness in the “Sunshine State” of Florida. May the Lord continue to bless you and all of your endeavors!
Royle King II
25th Florida State Representative
FSO News
Explore all documents and events regarding the
88th Seventh District Meeting